Jaish Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest): Segregation of Men and Women in Idlib University Causes Student Complaints
After Jaish al-Fateh gained control over the city of Idlib in March, its leadership formed a civil administration to govern matters of civilian life. Some Of Allowed they 're The Civil Society Of workTel groups Groups And Humanitarian Organizations To the continue After Receiving Approvals From The Civil Administration And Own Shura Council Hwy [1] .
In August, the civil administration issued a decision to establish the University of Idlib, which includes departments of Agriculture, Administrative Sciences, Education, Science, Arts, and Computer Technologies as well as a Veterinary Medicine Institute, Technical Institute for Financial and Administrative Sciences.
Buildings Were Taken of University From The Headquarters Of The old Appearances of University Of Idlib which is Existed During regime by Control, And Were To : joined The New Building The To create the Newly Established of University Of Idlib . Its management contracted with a number of professors who previously worked at the Universities of Aleppo and Idlib, who defected from the regime and remain in the opposition-controlled areas.
The decision to establish the University surprised many people of the region, because of the deteriorating security situation and the continued aerial bombing of the regime, which prevents parents from sending their children to study, especially females.
Also of University suffered a the From of a Campaign which is are widely Criticized It Because Of The High registration The Fees Of UPS To $ 150 Annually For Regular Students, And About $ 400 For Students Of Parallel Education [2] . Many consider this prerequisite crippling because of widespread poverty among the population of the liberated areas of Aleppo and Idlib. In response, the University administration justified these fees as easy installments to make compared with the costs of studying in Turkey, and they were imposed because of the shortage of the University's resources.
The University is facing several problems, most notably the absence of international recognition. But the administration says it is open for service inside Syria to fill opposition-controlled areas and to meet the need of the institutions that exist in those areas with an educated generation who is able to take over leadership of these institutions. The University reiterated on several occasions that they aim to receive formal recognition from a number of international educational institutions.
In addition, students suffer from frequent interruption of their studies, as well as the absence of university housing, lack of teachers and facilities, and interventions by Jaish al-Fateh. Several days ago the University issued a decision to separate the male from the female students, and it allocated Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for men, and Saturday, Sunday and Monday for women.
Informed sources tell the magazine that this decision was made on the orders of what is known as the "Jaish al-Fateh Council", a Council that emerged from this armed group. The source says, "The staff of the University of Idlib did not agree to this decision but this is the reality which imposes itself on us." Actually, the decision has been largely rejected by the students. A student in the Department of Business Administration , who refused to be named, says , "These decisions are arbitrary, and no one agrees with them. We want college life to be like what we used to enjoy in the past, with a better level of education. I do not understand the purpose of this resolution. Intended To It is Maintain PUBLIC Morality And Apply Sharia [Law]? "
Abdul Qadir, a student in the Department of Engineering, says, "I regret that I paid a $ 150 registration fee. I worked all summer to collect that fee. Every day there's a new resolution, and there is no recognition of my certificate so far . The future is hazy. " Ammar, a former student in the Department of Economics in Aleppo University, says, "I left my studies when I was in the year of graduation. I joined the Free Syrian Army. When the University opened, I was so enthusiastic because I could come back to study. But, alas, my dream dissipates with the unjustified interventions of Jaish al-Fateh and the continuing destruction by the regime of each beautiful project developed in liberated areas. "